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Amino Acid researched by the 2022 Team

Phenylalanine Bond Length Data

2022 Bond lengths

2022 Phenylalanine Bond length Bulk frequency Plots

Pre-Omega Bond Length
Phi Bond Length
Psi Bond Length
CA-CB Bond Length
CB-CG Bond Length
CG-CD Bond Length
CD-CE Bond Length
CE-CZ Bond Length

2022 Phenylalanine average Bond length values (Angstroms)

Pre-omega: 1.331 

phi: 1.460

psi: 1.524

Ca-CB: 1.531

CB-CG: 1.503

CG-CD: 1.387

CD-Ce: 1.387

CE-CZ: 1.383

2022 Bulk Data


The values on the first sheet are measurements of phenylalanine's bond lengths obtained from the R program, along with the calculated average bond length value at the bottom. On the next data sheet, there are frequency plots and histograms for each of phenylalanine's different bonds. These histograms are the same as the eight histograms above. 

Phenylalanine Bond Angle Data


2022 Phenylalanine Bond angle  Bulk Frequency Plots

CO-N-CA Bond Angle
N-CA-CO Bond Angle
N-CA-CB Bond Angle
CO-CA-CB Bond Angle
CA-CB-CG Bond Length
CB-CG-CD1 Bond Angle
CG-CD1-CE1 Bond Angle
CD1-CE1-CZ Bond Angle
CE1-CZ-CE2 Bond Angle
CZ-CE2-CD2 Bond Angle
CE2-CD2-CG Bond Angle

2022 Phenylalanine average bond angle values (Degrees)

CO-N-CA: 121.729

N-CA-CO: 110.858

N-CA-CB: 110.64

Co-CA-CB: 110.22

CA-CB-CG: 113.853

CB-CG-CD1: 120.622

CG-CD1-CE1: 120.725

CD1-CE1-CZ: 119.876

CE1-CZ-ce2: 119.802

cz-ce2-cd2: 119.882

Ce2-cd2-cg: 120.727


2022 bulk data


These values are measurements of phenylalanine's bond angles various bond angles obtained from the R program. Each angle has a corresponding frequency plot/histogram to the right of the bulk data on the same sheet.

Phenylalanine Torsional Angle Data

Torsional ANGLES

2022 Phenylalanine Torsional Angle Bulk Frequency Plots

Torsion Pre-Omega
Torsion Phi
Torsion Psi
Torsion X1
Torsion X2
Torsion X3
Torsion X4
Torsion X5
Torsion X6
Torsion X7
Torsion X8

2022 Phenylalanine average bond angle values (Degrees)

Pre-Omega: 180

Phi: -60

Psi: -45

X1: -65, 180 (2:1 ratio)

X2: -80, 80 (1:1 Ratio)

X3: 180

X4: 0

X5: 0

X6: 0

X7: 0

X8: 180

2022 bulk data

These values are measurements of phenylalanine's bond angles various bond angles obtained from the R program. Each angle has a corresponding frequency plot/histogram to the right of the bulk data on the same sheet.

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